We are proud to offer our guests for 20 years a house with 3-star comfort, hiking seal and guaranteed performance service.
Premises for various occasions such as weddings, communions, family celebrations and more
Large sun terrace for 60 people
Gluten- and lactose-free meals
Pizzas and a variety of dishes from the traditional wood oven
Fresh fish dishes and seasonal dishes and specialties
Our opening times in the restaurant:
Tue. – Sat. 17:00 to 23:00 (hot meals until 21:30)
Sun. 11:30 to 14:30 (hot meals until 14:00)
and 17:00 bis 22:00 (hot meals until 21:00)
Our hotel and restaurant are closed until January 16, 2025. For room or table reservations from January 17, 2025, please call 0174 183 1383
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Our Menu for you to download as PDF |